Osteoporosis makes recovery from a fracture more problematic and time-consuming with age. Even with small bruises and injuries, the chance of fractures of varying severity is very high. In addition to the fracture itself, a person may experience exacerbations, inflammation and other undesirable consequences.

In such cases, the person needs timely care after the fracture and bed rest. If the bed regime can be provided practically everywhere, then not everyone can provide professional nursing for a person with bone injuries.

Caring for patients after a fracture for a pensioner is a range of services that require time and supervision by specialists, which the nursing home can provide. We have comfortable conditions for rehabilitation as well as a professional staff.

We can provide:

  •         Qualified medical examination.
  •         Individual set of procedures.
  •         Comfortable conditions for bedridden patients.
  •         Balanced nutrition and diet.
  •         Psychological support.
  •         Pleasant interlocutors.
  •         Pleasant friendly atmosphere.

Since a person is in bed all the time, they are provided with feedback for both domestic and medical problems throughout the day. We monitor the patient has no bedsores and, if necessary, turn him over, and perform a number of procedures to make it easier for the patient to lie down during care after a fracture.

Thanks to the modern equipment in our pension for the elderly, medical examination can be carried out on site, without leaving the territory of the pensioners' home and with timely analysis of the course of fracture and bone formation.

Such fractures can be particularly dangerous for pensioners:

  •         Spine (vertebrae).
  •         Humeral bone.
  •         Wrists.
  •         Neck of the femur.

These are particularly difficult to tolerate fractures, which require special care after a fracture with a special program and set of procedures. If qualified care for a fracture is not provided in time, complications may occur, resulting in disability. In the worst case, they can lead to fatal diseases.

Importantly, every guest, regardless of the diagnosis and severity of the illness, receives professional psychological counseling to facilitate their stay and social adaptation.

The atmosphere of care and qualified medical assistance helps each patient of the nursing home to get well quickly and improve the overall condition of the body. Spending time in our boarding house leaves only good impression and memory for each guest. With our staff, even nursing after a severe fracture becomes less painful and burdensome.

Connect to our manager to learn more about the cost of the complex procedures and patient care in our clinic. You’ll get necessary information about nursing after a fracture and be told in detail what the selected program includes. We are always happy to take care of your relative and provide him with the necessary comfort, medical and psychological care.